General assistance is designed to be temporary shelter assistance while an eligible individual is looking for work and transitioning to self-sufficiency. TEMPORARY In an effort to stabilize housing for eligible participants, rent payments and shelter payments will be vendored by the program direct to the landlord. Some utility payments may be vendored direct to the utility/s as well. In this manner, both shelter and some utilities are stabilized while the individual is transitioning to self-sufficiency. This may be up to 1-3 months dependent on funding availability for the year.
General assistance, like welfare or TANF, is based on the individual completing a certain number of work hours in order for the individual to remain eligible for the federal assistance.
If you are disabled and or in process with social security then the required work hours consist of your completing all social security requirements, all medical appointments and meeting all hearing requirements.
All general assistance cases will be closed if a client does not complete the work hours (job search, required counseling, required hearings, etc). You must comply with all program requirements and meet all deadlines in order to receive the federal financial assistance. No assistance will be provided until all eligibility information is provided and all eligibility conditions are fully met. Any assistance that is awarded will be based on the date that all information was turned in and the file became complete. Applications will be processed until all verifications and file requirements are received.
Applicant must be a member of a Federal recognized Tribe, or a one-fourth degree or more blood quantum descendant of a member of an Indian tribe federally recognized as eligible for Bureau Services.
General Assistance is limited to these clients who reside on or near the reservation areas designated in accordance with 25 CFR 20.1 (at this time there is not a “Near Reservation” designated in the Federal Register for the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes).
CSKT Tribal General Assistance is ONLY temporary assistance all recipient must be applying for alternative assistance (i.e Employment, Social Security, Supplemental Security Income) Indian families or person receiving or eligible for assistance through the County Department of Public Welfare are not eligible for General Assistance. However, if the individual or family who is presumed to be eligible for one of the above county assistance programs, files an application by through the county, General Assistance may be granted until approval of their application by that county. All clients applying for General Assistance who are eligible or potentially eligible for assistance from other programs (Social Security, Unemployment, Workman’s Comp, V.A., Welfare, etc.) shall be required to seek and show verification that you applied for that assistance. There is a possibility of supplementing other programs up to the welfare amount. * Feel free to call and ask.
* The exception to this Supplemental Security Income (SSI). People receiving SSI payments in their own right, or whose needs are included in such payments are not eligible for Bureau General Assistance.
General Assistance applicants or recipients are expected to seek and accept available employment which they are able and qualified to perform. This means that prior to your applying for General Assistance every effort should be made to find employment. This will be certified with a job service slip signed by the Employment Office. If you are Not Able to work, bring in a Doctor’s Statement stating, reason and how long you will be unable to work. The General Assistance office has Doctor Statement forms, Please ask for one.
All applicants must have an Individual Development Plan (IDP) in place each month to be eligible for Tribal General Assistance. If you do not have an IFP you will not receive Tribal General Assistance. Contact your Case Manager to set up an IDP meeting.