Online Childcare Block Grant Application
CCBG Stabilization Subgrant Application.pdf
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09/05/2022 08:51:41 |
Program Application Eligibility Requirements:
The program is to assists low income families, (which include all adult household members) who are working, in school, or enrolled in formal training programs. All adult household members must be in school, at work, or enrolled in a formal training program to receive childcare assistance. In the instance that one member is not working or in school/training, childcare will only be authorized for 10 hours a week.
All persons 18yrs and older: earned income, financial aid, child support, Cash assistance and/or welfare benefits are also counted in determining eligibility. Family size and income is the main criteria as well as Tribal enrollment (for parents and children). All earned income in the household is counted (boyfriend, common law husband, brother, sister, cousin, parent, etc). In the event of a projected funding shortage, priority will go to the lowest income families with enrolled members of a Federally Recognized Tribe.
Applications must include for all household members: Tribal enrollment verification, Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, current immunization records for children (your application will be denied if immunization records are not provided or if shots are overdue; copies are accepted).Release of Information (all adults), All household members 18 yrs. and older must provide; signed release of information, photo ID, pay stub, work or school schedule (final registration), quarterly financial aid award letter (w/current date), . If any one item is missing, there will be no approvals until the required document is turned in. All earned income in the household is counted (boyfriend, common law husband, brother, sister, cousin, parent, etc).
Updating your application: You are required to update applications quarterly (every 90 days (3 months) by providing new application along with the following documents: income, class schedules & financial aid award letters, verify all household members, address changes, enrollment verification, updated immunization records, etc.
General Updates: Any change in hourly wage rates (up or down), work hours, work schedules, house hold size, etc. must be reported within 10 days or you may be declared ineligible for assistance and your case will be closed. These updates can be made by requesting a new application and must be submitted by the last day of your current authorization month (date located on your Authorization letter). Keep a close eye on this date, for it will make you responsible for any childcare expenses that have not authorized.
Every effort will be made to process your applications within 7-10 working days. If there is information lacking, your application will be processed within 7-10 working days of the date your application became complete. If you are placed on a waiting list, you will be notified.
In the event of a projected childcare block grant funding shortage, first priority goes to the lowest income persons who are enrolled members of a Federally Recognized Tribe (parents and children). Therefore, it is important to update at least every 90 days. Every effort will be made to give at least thirty days notice of funding unavailability. If the federal government discontinues or reduces funding, the notice may be shorter.
Childcare Provider Requirements: It is important to choose your provider carefully and you have to declare your childcare provider in writing. You are not authorized to change providers without notifying the CCBG program and declaring your new provider. You must call and get approval before you actually take the child to a new provider. This is very important to ensure that your child and associated expense is covered. If you fail to request permission to change, you may be responsible for any childcare expenses not authorized. If you choose a provider who is not on our CCBG provider list, provide a copy of their state license when applying for assistance. If your provider is not state licensed, they (and all persons over 18 in the home) must complete and pass a background check through DHRD (this process can take up to 3 months to be approved, and payments will not be made until this process is compete. If background check is not passed it is your responsibility to pay your incurred expenses with your provider.
Family/Relative caregivers: A caregiver cannot live in the same home as the child(ren) they are proving care for. For family/relative that do not reside in the same residence they can not have more than 5 children in the home and no more than 2 children under the age of 2. This count also includes your own child(ren). CCBG does not retro pay any provider for services outside the authorized months).
Other requirements: For every month of childcare assistance, you must participate in two hours of parenting per month. A schedule is available from CCBG. Currently these classes are held every Wednesday evening from 7-9pm @ the Early Childhood Services building next to the Tribal Complex. The classes are free, and childcare is provided. Attendance is taken and monitored. Be sure and request your parenting schedule. Failure to participate in a parenting class will result in immediate termination from the program.
Parents are required to sign their child's sign in sheet daily. You are certifying the amount of time requested by the caregiver. Please review carefully before you sign the sheet. The CCBG Coordinator will be making periodic checks to your provider for compliance. Failure to sign in & out will result in immediate disqualification from the program.
Foster children and/or relative children: If you are applying for assistance for a child who resides with you but is not your natural or adopted child, you must present a legal document ensuring that you have proper and legal custody of the child.
Childcare Provider Co-payments: All parents (exception: TANF eligible participants) will have a monthly co-payment that must be paid directly to the provider. Be sure and pay the co-payment amount monthly, as your provider cannot bill the program, until your co-payments are paid and current. In worst-case scenario, if you do not pay your co-payment your providers bill will be held and, you will be responsible to pay the bill in full. The CCBG Program pays bills and re-obligates funds monthly. Therefore, it is critical for the provider to bill the program in a monthly timely manner. Please be mindful that childcare providers rely on your promptness to maintain their business.
Where can I apply for childcare if I am eliminated or ineligible for the Tribes Program?
You may apply for childcare at the Nurturing Center in Kalispell – 1-800-204-0644 or 406-756-1414.